I used to think it was too soon. I used to think that I met him too soon. I didn't have time to live the life that was standard of a college co-ed. How silly I was to think that way.
Now I know, that I met him at the perfect time. He pulled me from the past where I lived in memories, to the present where we grew up together and now to the future when I look at him and see home.
Sweeping romances are for movies. My romance was slow, step-by-step, steady. We didn't have intense kisses in the rain, but we had millions of good-bye kisses and hello hugs. We didn't sweep each other off to foreign countries, but our hearts broke when separated by continents and oceans. We fell in love slowly, weekend by weekend, song by song and prayer by prayer.
And we are falling slowly still, into a lifetime of commitment. I admit I want to rush sometimes, want to experience everything I've dreamed of, but I forget that God is teaching me along the way, that by spinning so fast, you lose the rhythm of the song. You miss the most important beat.
It's almost my turn. Our turn. And then it will feel fast. But, if I've learned anything, it's that we didn't meet too soon, we met at the perfect time. It gave us this much time to realize God's amazing blessing.