Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Walk These Halls

The last few days have been tough. Tough. Tough.

A refuge is what I seek. A hiding place from all those moments that bring me to my knees, and bring all of us to a place of longing for peace. I need a pure place where I can rest, where I can lay still and quiet from the world, and find a moment of rescue. I know that place exists in the arms of my Father, and in the peace that only God can fill me with. But lately God has felt distant, and I have felt unwilling to find Him.

It's like that song "Where are you Christmas? Why can't I find you?" There is a line in there that says "My world is changing, rearranging..." and that's exactly how I feel. The walls are changing, the hallways continually unwind themselves and crash into closed doors, cracked windows and uneven floors. I have felt hidden from my faith, unconnected to the very core of what makes me full of life. It's almost as if I'm too tired from this world to carry the weight of anything else, even the simple weight of childlike faith.

So here's to the prayers that fail my lips for the moment, and to the light that is flickering, but never burnt out, for I know His mercies are new every morning, and His compassions never fail me.

Friday, December 11, 2009


’N Sync’s ‘No Strings’ decade’s No. 1 album

Monday, December 7, 2009

I Mean What I Say

with every beat, and step of shaky feet
with every song and melody to sing along
and with every moment I could fall in between
you stand and remain the strongest part of me

before, beyond and below the waves
the ups and downs of future battle days
we march on to the beat of our own machine
you as the front soldier, and the bravest part of me

today and even more tomorrow I'm sure
ever more than yesterdays before
that in the deepest layers in the middle you see
you are the strongest, bravest and best part of me

{Brave Solider}

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Be of Good Cheer

It's finally Christmas time! As a little elf myself, tis the season for scurrying around to decorate, eat, plan, enjoy, spend time (and money!), wrap, give, give and give. Tis the season for new beginnings and reconnections. For glowing lights and tree ornaments (if not eaten by Sadie). I LOVE, LOVE this time of year and plan to celebrate it to the fullest. Tis the season for my last Christmas as a single gal, and to a new year filled with new adventures!