Good friends. Good family.
Good grief. I can't for the life of me dig down deep and write anything meaningful lately. Life has been too happy lately...I guess that's a good thing :)
I did make a startling discovery the other day. I love washing Jason's work shirts. Who knew that one load of laundry could bring me so much joy. I'm still ambivalent to the rest of the laundry. But putting all those white, oxford shirts, with cuff stains and the smell of car cleaner, into the washing machine, and then taking them out fresh, crisp and clean makes me feel more like a housewife than anything else. It makes me feel like I'm in an I Love Lucy episode, and that's a fun feeling.
The picture's above are from a fabulous birthday outing for Jason and our best friend Justin's birthday. Rock N Bowl in New Orleans was a blast! The company we keep is nothing short of spectacular, and the best part is, is I can take this photo, put it right next to a photo from 2004 when we were all freshmen/sophomores in college, and it would be the same group of people -- hanging on to each other as a family. That makes me feel like I'm in a Friends episode.
My life in TV episodes...now that would be an interesting blog post...