El Salvador. A beautiful country. A sad country with great pride. A place with great unique factors, like their food, their warmth and their music. But it's a place where my new family calls home and one they welcomed me to with open arms.
Our week-long adventure in El Salvador began with food, and ended with more food. I could live off this food. Pupusas, frijoles, salsa, coffee, approz con pollo, anything and everything with lime.

We visited so many beautiful places, Finca QueQueQueisa a coffee plantation where 100% of the profits are donated back to the city it is in for community projects, such as running water and school improvements. Apaneca, a beautiful mountain region where we drove (for quite a while) and saw great views of the mountains, and the people that live there. And we saw all the places that are special to the family, homes, restaurants and more.

The wedding we attended was also a great time. It again reminded me of my own wedding. Surrounded by family, friends and a fabulous party. I learned more than I ever thought I would about Jason and his family. How crazy, loving, and fun-loving they are. How much they don't worry about food, or sleep, and how they really just want to have fun with their family.
I hope to make it back there one day with my own children. Just as I will show them where I come from, I want to always remember where my other family comes from. A beautiful country, with an even more beautiful family.