Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Swingline staplers

I will under-promise and over-deliver.
I'm Stephanie.
I'm a public information officer, therefore, my job is to inform you the public of the goings-ons that affect you and your interests.

My days are filled with staplers, paper clips, post-it notes, status meetings, staff meetings, AP style, day planners, delivered lunches, media calls, schedules, boxes, reprints, marketing collateral, press releases, supplies, Fed-Ex, recycled brochures, questions and thank you very muches.

But there is so much more to me than my writing style and my professional dress.

Music, poetry, writing, chocolate milk, crab dip, Scope, Dr Pepper, exercise (yeah right), photo albums, car rides, nostalgia, steam cleaners, Izzo's, picture frames, bed time and so much more.

Stay tuned.

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