Monday, October 5, 2009

We Need A Taxi


Or so say the locals of Hawai'i (pronounced Ha-vi-eee). What a great trip! Vacation, vacation, vacation. I haven't taken a real vacation in a while (not counting Seattle) and it was fabulous! Great times with family, a much needed respite into their world and out of my daily world. It really is a beautiful place -- the air feels cleaner and more energizing, and the scenery transports you into a more serene and thoughtful place.

Much thinking was done on the trip, and on the planes that took us from here to there. And mostly about my luck in life, and the many blessings that I've been given. I think about all the things that drive me, and it's not work, or acclaim, not money, or fame -- but the family and friends that surround me all the same.


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