Stephanie's Top 5 Things To Do With The Rest of February:
1. Attempt to finish first side of T-shirt quilt:

2. Decorate the house for Mardi Gras!
1. Attempt to finish first side of T-shirt quilt:

2. Decorate the house for Mardi Gras!

3. Finish reading "This Much I Know Is True" -- not my favorite book, but I MUST finish it

4. Re-evaluate my new Once A Month Cooking idea -- I planned out all the meals in February ahead of time and scheduled when I would cook them, freeze them, etc. This was in hopes that I could save time and money by only grocery shopping once or twice a month, rather than every week. I think the pilot month has been a success! We have eaten out less, and I have at least 5 fully cooked meals in the freezer ready to go on a busy weeknight (mostly soups, but's winter). Full report to come!
5. Send all winter coats to be dry cleaned. Maybe this will bring the beautiful Spring weather faster!
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