Monday, July 25, 2011

So Good I'll Take It

So I finally did it. I left my job for the start of a new adventure. It was time. That much was as clear as daylight. And it's time to focus on something new. Graduate School. Back to the halls, back to the alma mater, back to class. I'm looking forward to studying exactly what I know I want to know more about.

But before that adventure begins, I've take a few weeks off to To breathe a little deeper, to take a break. And that has given me an opportunity to do things I've been putting off for years. All those tiny projects that line up and never get done because of lack of time, energy, patience...etc.

It's been relaxing, rejuvenating and just plain nice. I know things will pick back up again. And I won't have many more quiet moments like this, but I plan to enjoy every minute of it. Even it means just having the time to clean the boring ol' oven.

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