Wednesday, December 29, 2010

All I've Held On To

Stephanie's 2011 To Do List:

1. Be more creative. (homemade beach bags, wine toppers, finish t-shirt quilt)
2. Bake more.
3. Organize all photos from last two years.
4. Take at least two vacations with the hubby.
5. Create a professional portfolio.
6. Grow tomatoes in the summer.
7. Read and actually study the Bible in my daily devotionals.
8. Scrapbook and organize all wedding books and photos.
9. De-clutter.
10. Use more coupons.

Surely this list isn't comprehensive, but something my mind started wandering towards during a quiet work day. Looks like 2011 is all about streamlining and enjoying the life Jason and I are building for ourselves. Less planning, more living.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Restoration Station

It's amazing what can change in a few hours.

After my "not so happy" blog post last week, within a few hours my entire world became a lot brighter. Everyone is entitled to a grumpy day, right?

But, the power of restoration came through and my Christmas season turned much merrier than expected.

Jason and I had a memorable and romantic first Christmas night by ourselves:

We traveled to New Orleans to see one-half of our fabulous family:

And then traveled to Pineville to see the other half of our fabulous family!
(even though this picture is from's the same great people!

And we celebrated the true meaning of the season. It all felt wonderful. And made me remember how thankful I am, even in the stormy seasons of my life. Restorative time with friends and family remind us how lucky we are. I'm feeling back to normal and in a good place for a new year.

Even though I'm sad to see Christmas end, and even 2010, I know the next year will be just as filled with adventures, ups and downs, sickness and health, new beginnings, new changes and happy times. And more reminders that God is in control of all we do, think, feel and hear.

Merry Christmas (from this reformed Grinch)!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Leave Them All In Awe

I am determined not to miss Christmas.

This is the best time of the year, the spirit, the joy, the fun, the parties, the gifts, the shopping, the traditions, the everything we wait all year for is here, and I'm missing it.

After being sick for longer than I can even remember, here we are three days before Christmas and I still can't muster the energy to do all the things I love the most. Wrap presents. Bake. Driving to see Christmas lights. And it's making me feel very grinchy.

This is my FIRST MARRIED CHRISTMAS. I had visions of romantic dinners by the Christmas tree, and late nights sneaking presents under that tree. Cold Christmas mornings snuggled under blankets opening our economical and thoughtful gifts together. Making homemade cinnamon rolls and then hitting the roads to see our families to celebrate.

None of that seems like it will happen now. It's more like struggling home late from work, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner and lighting enough candles in the house so it doesn't smell like a dead lizard (a whole different story). I'm lucky if I plug in the lights to the Christmas tree.

I need some pixie dust or something from Santa to break me out of this funk. Because, by golly, I will not miss Christmas!