Wednesday, December 29, 2010

All I've Held On To

Stephanie's 2011 To Do List:

1. Be more creative. (homemade beach bags, wine toppers, finish t-shirt quilt)
2. Bake more.
3. Organize all photos from last two years.
4. Take at least two vacations with the hubby.
5. Create a professional portfolio.
6. Grow tomatoes in the summer.
7. Read and actually study the Bible in my daily devotionals.
8. Scrapbook and organize all wedding books and photos.
9. De-clutter.
10. Use more coupons.

Surely this list isn't comprehensive, but something my mind started wandering towards during a quiet work day. Looks like 2011 is all about streamlining and enjoying the life Jason and I are building for ourselves. Less planning, more living.

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