Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Uncommitted Voting

I bought a pumpkin! I haven't decided yet if I am going to carve it or just draw on it. But I like the fall decorations that I've put around my apartment. It adds a little flavor and a lot of calming vibes.

Work has been non-stop lately. It seems like we turn one page and complete a project, you have 20 more waiting for you start, or finish, or work on, etc. It gets a little tiresome, and I'm finding new ways to calm my anxiety -- starting with deleting all 4,000 emails in my inbox. It might be a good start.

I've also decided to get one chore done everyday. Not overwhelm myself with getting it all done on the weeekends, but taking one day at a time, focusing on one task, and slowly cleaning my way through the clutter.

Yesterday, I went to the grocery store. Today, I washed and folded all the mounds of dirty clothes. Tomorrow, schedule Sadie for a grooming appointment. The list can continue, but it doesn't feel as overwhelming if I take it one day at at time.

Ladies and gentlemen, my pumpkin:

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