Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fall Down Like Rain

I was thinking today how accustomed we have grown to noise. In my devotional book, there was a section about the freedom we have to quietly be in God's presence, and how much we take advantage of that significant freedom.

If you think about it, the amount of noise, distractions, smells, sights, sounds that flow in and out of our lives are phenomenal. Alarm clocks, running water, creaking houses, birds chirping, clicks of our mouses, the tip-taps of our keyboards, phones, sniffles, car horns, paper shuffling, the sounds of hi-liters running across pages and MORE. All of these sounds create a daily orchestra of the busyness and muchness of our lives.

Not to mention the internal distractions. The contstant ticker tape of thoughts that pass in one ear and out the other, alone, are enough to distract any person.

I'm thinking I need at least an hour or an afternoon to go somewhere completely quiet and think, pray and listen. I think it would do me a world of good to turn off the TV, computer and ticker tape, and just listen. I bet some great conversations could come out of those quiet moments alone with God.

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